Roof Systems

Roof Systems

Roof Systems

Choosing a dock roof style, just as your dock layout, will be influenced greatly by personal style as well as the intended functional purpose of the dock. From different styles, materials and colors you will be able to add a little personality to your dock with the perfect roof system for you!

Gable Roof:

A gable roof offers great protection from the elements. It is designed to be strong with an open air feel, and very economical. The trusses can be varyingly pitched to give a higher or lower vault to accommodate for personal preference and functionality. This could allow for lower eaves but still leaves enough ceiling height for a boat lift and other additions and is a great choice for someone needing to keep costs at a minimum.

Hip Roof:

Hip roofs are often considered more attractive than the lower priced gable, and offer slightly better protection from the elements. They are typically tougher and more rigid than gable roofs. Hip roofs can be constructed in many different ways. You may choose to add a cupola and wind vane or a raised ridge allowing for the roof system to match your house or other existing architecture. A hip roof is usually a great choice for someone looking to be cost effective while still maintaining a pleasing look.

Sundeck Roof:

When looking for additional recreational space, a sundeck roof is a great way to go! A sundeck roof is the perfect combination of different roof systems. It allows for complete protection of your covered deck or slip, while also providing a large additional deck above dramatically increasing the amount of usable space for entertaining. Sundecks may also have jump gate additions. These gates are a great feature that will allow someone to jump off the top deck right into the water safely. Add a rope swing to really liven things up! Sundeck roofs are the best choice for someone looking to get the most out of the lake, while preserving and enjoying their investment(s).

Within this set of roof systems, variations and custom additions or changes can be made to meet personal preference. Your choice in a roof system should be made with equal regard to cost, desired functionality as well as personal aesthic appeal. Call Lake Norman Docks today to discuss your many options!

Barry Sims, Owner
Lake Norman Docks


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